Steno Machines

Stenography machines are specialized keyboards designed for the high-speed writing of spoken words into steno notes. These machines enable the accurate capturing of live speech, essential in legal proceedings, captioning for broadcast, and CART providing services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. Steno machines are operated by pressing either individual or multiple keys simultaneously (chording) to represent a sound, word, or phrase.

Blaze ProCAT Writer Features:

Luminex CSE Writer Features:

The SSD Enterprises, LLC Court Reporting and Captioning at Home Program License Agreement is copyright protected and licensed only to the original purchaser or student for whom the License Agreement is purchased and may not be sold, given, shared, or in any manner transferred to a third party or reproduced in any manner. Due to the nature of these programs, once they are shipped, they cannot be returned for credit or refund. The student owns the steno machine in Options 1 and 2. SSD Enterprises, LLC (Court Reporting and Captioning at Home – License Agreement) reserves the right to modify, add to, or delete any component of the program at any time without notice.