Building Permits

In accordance with Section 553.79 of the Florida Statutes, the status of all building permit applications may be obtained through the City's Accela Citizen Portal.

Please read below regarding expired building permits.

COVID State of Emergency Expired June 26.

252.363 Tolling and extension of permits and other authorizations. -

(1)(a) The declaration of a state of emergency issued by the Governor for a natural emergency tolls the period remaining to exercise the rights under a permit or other authorization for the duration of the emergency declaration. Further, the emergency declaration extends the period remaining to exercise the rights under a permit or other authorization for 6 months in addition to the tolled period. This paragraph applies to the following:

  1. The expiration of a development order issued by a local government.
  2. The expiration of a building permit.
  3. The expiration of a permit issued by the Department of Environmental Protection or a water management district pursuant to part IV of chapter 373.
  4. The buildout date of a development of regional impact, including any extension of a buildout date that was previously granted as specified in s. 380.06(7)(c).

(b) Within 90 days after the termination of the emergency declaration, the holder of the permit or other authorization shall notify the issuing authority of the intent to exercise the tolling and extension granted under paragraph (a). The notice must be in writing and identify the specific permit or other authorization qualifying for extension.

(c) If the permit or other authorization for a phased construction project is extended, the commencement and completion dates for any required mitigation are extended such that the mitigation activities occur in the same timeframe relative to the phase as originally permitted.

(d) This subsection does not apply to:

  1. A permit or other authorization for a building, improvement, or development located outside the geographic area for which the declaration of a state of emergency applies.
  2. A permit or other authorization under any programmatic or regional general permit issued by the Army Corps of Engineers.
  3. The holder of a permit or other authorization who is determined by the authorizing agency to be in significant noncompliance with the conditions of the permit or other authorization through the issuance of a warning letter or notice of violation, the initiation of formal enforcement, or an equivalent action.
  4. A permit or other authorization that is subject to a court order specifying an expiration date or buildout date that would be in conflict with the extensions granted in this section.

(2) A permit or other authorization that is extended shall be governed by the laws, administrative rules, and ordinances in effect when the permit was issued, unless any party or the issuing authority demonstrates that operating under those laws, administrative rules, or ordinances will create an immediate threat to the public health or safety.

(3) This section does not restrict a county or municipality from requiring property to be maintained and secured in a safe and sanitary condition in compliance with applicable laws, administrative rules, or ordinances.


We are now accepting digitally sealed plans and documents for review; our submittal process for plans has changed. Watch the video on the new upload procedures in our Citizen Portal.


The 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Codes, the 7th Edition Florida Fire Prevention Code, and the 2020 National Electric Code are effective for all permits applied for on or after December 31, 2023.

About the Permits

The Building Division processes all building permits for projects located within the city limits of DeLand. If the project is located in unincorporated Volusia County, the permit will need to be obtained from the Building Department of Volusia County. If you have a question about whether your property is located in the city or county, go to the Property Appraiser's website.

It is in your best interest to secure permits for all work that is constructed on your property. Permits are necessary to satisfy insurance requirements, and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens. Any work completed without obtaining the proper permits could result in complications when selling your home such as preventing the sale of the property until the work is compliant with current city and building codes, in addition to the risk of incurring fines for completing the work without a permit.

Note: New Commercial/Residential Construction projects, including additions, are required to submit a county impact fee application along with a copy of the floor plan to the Volusia County Permit Center in order for County transportation impact fees to be calculated. Volusia County impact fees can be deferred until the completion of the project. The Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all fees are paid in full. For more information, please call 386-736-5929, Extension 12097.

A non-refundable application fee is charged on all permit applications at the time of submittal.

New Construction valuation will be based on the current rate of the ICC Building Valuation Data Table or actual value, whichever is greater. Note: Please see revised Resolution 2020-02 - ICC Percentage City Ordinance (PDF) reducing the ICC Valuation from 75% to 60%.

Permits are reviewed and processed according to date received. Any deficiencies are addressed by the Plans Examiner. The applicant will be contacted to respond to any comments or clarification the plans examiner may need in order to continue processing the application for approval. Please make sure a valid email address and or phone number is on the permit application in order to expedite correspondence. The application will remain on hold until all requests from the plans examiner have been satisfied. After the permit application has received all applicable approvals, the Building Division will contact the applicant to inform the cost of the permit. Permit fees are to be paid in full at time of pick up. Cash, check, money order, Visa or Mastercard are accepted.