How to Write Supervising Employees in an Application

When filling supervisory positions, employers look for candidates they can trust to take charge and encourage the continued growth of the team and the organization. Your resume, then, should sell you as a leader and problem-solver who performs well under pressure and will support the company's goals and mission.

Be Specific

Help employers understand the significance of your position by explaining exactly what you did and what role you played in the company. Instead of saying you led a certain department, write "Supervised a team of 50 full-time employees, 10 part-time workers and several independent contractors." Also, use concrete language. For example, instead of saying "responsible for managing the sales staff," write "created weekly, monthly and yearly sales goals for department, monitored employee productivity and advised staff on how to attract and retain more clients."

Focus on Results

Describe to employers how the company will benefit from hiring you. Some management roles are more hands-on than others, and job titles and roles vary greatly between organizations. Simply calling yourself a supervisor doesn't provide the context employers need to assess your potential. Instead, point out that you decreased employee turnover by 10 percent during your first year, or, note that you instituted a quality-control process that cut errors by 5 percent. Highlight any honors your team won during your tenure. For example, mention that your department ranked number one in customer satisfaction for the first time after you took over.